Friday, October 12, 2012

It turns out swings are fun.

Stress stress not sleeping well frustration overcommitment whine whine go get Starbucks Houjicha Latte (tm) want sun go to shrine of guilt dojo only place in Shibuya with public benches want sun and wonder: how did dojo which I had looked forward to going to when in Japan become guilt dojo? I already have mastery of that and am more than satisfied with level of guilt, no need for additional training but it turns out next to the benches of guilt contemplation there is a swing.

It is in the sun.

I can sit on the swing in the sun and wrap my arm around the chain and sip my Starbucks Houjicha Latte Grande Size (tm) but the Starbucks Houjicha (this is roasted tea, the roasting makes it better than your average tea which makes sense because really everything is better roasted) Latte Grande Size, 460 yen please is too hot so the chain is nestled into the crook of my elbow and I rest my head against the chain, it's a friendly chain though not particularly stable or supportive and hold a paper cup full of Starbucks hot milk tea, two things previously anathema to me (1. Starbucks 2. milk and sugar in tea) but all things change, including the facts that I was a person who swung on swings and and then I was not for a long long time.

I carefully set my tea down off to one side.

It turns out swings are still fun.

Maybe I'll get back into iaido again next week. And if not? So be it. I can at least stop by and say a quick hi. It's really quite close by after all.

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