Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Emperor says...

Go home and die.* "Happy new year."

For those unfamiliar with Imperial Custom, the Palace opens to the plebs on Dec. 23 (Emperor's birthday) and Jan. 2. Or you could avoid the crowds and take a free tour that you can sign up for online, though you don't get to see Their Imperialnesses.

I did not wave a flag because I was carrying a kid on my back. Not being Japanese, there's no particular reason for me to be patriotic. Nor am I particularly inclined towards patriotism - the idea of being a flag-waver in a crowd of flag-wavers makes me a little bit uncomfortable, so I was happy to have an excuse not to.

I don't think that this distance is evidence of cynicism or a lack of sincerity. I can respect the occasion and the Emperor's message of hope for 2012** without needing to conform.

Always a good time to be had in the Heart of the Empire.

* ~ 3:05

**Too bad the apocalypse is this year. Thanks a lot, Mayans.


Totally gorged on new year food.

After the barrage of year-end parties, I just chilled out for the new year itself.

I'm largely satisfied with how things are going, productivity-wise. I should be releasing my first iPhone app pretty soon, really excited about that. I could write for here more often. I have 3 or 4 drafts sitting around that I should push out soon.

I think the one thing I want to work on this year - my new year's resolution, if I have to call it that - is to express what I feel and what I want more clearly. Or at all.