Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Many-Headed Hydra, or, I'm Not Actually Multitasking.

Things I am working on this very minute, or will be when I finish this post:

A spec for currently-fantasized iPad game brought to you by the letter A, yet again in collaboration with friend brought to you by the number D, because one of these friggin decades one of these ideas is going to crystallize.

Character designs for aforementioned iPad game A. Not because I'm any good at it, though. Why don't I know any artists who are into this stuff? I hear there's a thing called networking. But then I'd have to meet people.

A spec for project brought to you by the zygote B for company brought to you by the prime number W, because coding a prototype for a browser extension is just so, so far from anything that I want to do or learn right now. Whereas spec-writing... that's useful for me, and fun. And actually far more useful for them in the long run.

Fleshing out old iPhone game notes into a spec and translating it into Japanese, because companies hiring for "planner" positions - which match quite closely what I'm looking for - would like to see a sample of work. Makes sense. But I find writing in Japanese to be far more blocked than writing in English. Note the absence of my Japanese homework being posted up so far, for example.

This blog.

Nifty things to work on once some of the above are done:

Practical, hands-on learning of Objective-C and iPhone development via writing ezfrizbee strategerizer. Did I say frisbee? I mean, er. Ultimate. Flying disc. Ah, Wham-O, if only that was not your corporate name but instead the colorful sound effect displayed when Batman punches you in the eye. Pricks.

How the hell do you make pretty drawings on a computer? Photobooth in order to show my latest character designs is not my idea of a good time.

Job apps. Can't do 'em without that sample design doc! In Japanese. Meh.

Things that have pretty much hit rock bottom on the giving a shit scale:

Schoolwork. I fell back into the 'it's all masturbation, why bother' hole a while ago, and with real projects about real things, it just doesn't even compete. Sorry kids, it was fun for a semester, but not two.

Dinner. It's under ten degrees celsius in my kitchen. I ain't goin out there. Maybe I'll just pee into my trashcan when the time comes.

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